Do you remember the possimpible project I mentioned on my last post?
Well it’s done! So far it is stable and users keep on coming in. 🙂
I know, it was at first impossible, but with hard work, patience, sleepless nights and some headaches, it finally paid off, and it was worth it.
And I learned a lot of things during that stressful week, not only about some serious coding, but also dealing with clients and some notions that we always take note when having business with them. We are such a noobie. I don’t know the terms of the client-programmer sales talk. LOL. And since it was my first time, the biggest challenge for us is the charging, constantly changing features and stuff. I’m good at coding, but not on dealing with people. So I let my partner talk to them, and just note the things they want in their site. Sus, if it happened that I didn’t have a partner in this project, I might go craaazy already. 😀
And it was only for a week. For me, I really thought it was impossible. Not enough testers and testing time for the features. But thanks to Ruby on Rails awesomeness, a perfect css template, Google Search, Maps and Chart APIs, the looong weekend and the load in my phone to keep in contact with the clients that made this project possible. It was a mind-blowing experience!
So about the site, it was an alumni tracking system of the USC Industrial Engineering  Department.  Alumni register on the site, and meet other alumni from different parts of the world. And also provides statistics to all the registered users. And I’m happy that these students (Elaine, Monna and Lorelie) believed in our capabilities. I’m so satisfied with the result. Though I’m still constantly monitoring them for shocking bugs, but so far it is now stable.
Lemme share you some screenies (from my local development setup). I know this is too amateur compared to other systems, but hey, can you do something this in a week? 🙂
User list
Our group now is working on a next big hit project. We’re hoping it would be a success just like this one. 🙂