Assign width to span tag

Usually, you cannot directly assign width to a tag because it defaults to an inline style. And that the width you assigned will have no effect. Width property can only be assigned to elements that behaves like a block (i.e div).. But if for some r…

Sa mga babaye | Sa mga lalake (repost)

Found this posted in the internet (some Cebuano-speaking group in Facebook), and I just find this really funny and true. A message to all the girls and boys out there (sa makarelate lang 🙂 ): SHE SAID: (Matud pa sa mga chicks…)1.kamong mga laki…


If I was given an opportunity to work in CDO, I would definitely grab it. CDO is just amazing. The place, the people, the hangout places, the events, its just awesome. During the last 4 days I spent there with my friends, I was really in a bliss. …

On being alone

Okay, I know. Another emo post. It’s a happy holiday season and here I am posting emotional stuff. Noooo. It’s not about being single, in SMP or anything. It’s about me being independent and doing anything on my own. Ever since I turned 12 years o…

planning for the next big thing

Right now, I’m planning to build a project that will blow away all the online shopping stores here in the Philippines (yeah, even you multiply and facebook sellers). 😀 We see a lot of users today in Facebook and Multiply selling stuffs like cloth…

The year 2010 for me

2010 has been a great year for me. I graduated from college. 5 years of hard work and lots of sleepless nights finally paid off. No more studying for exams, lining up during enrollments, waking up 6am in the morning. But I will totally miss the bo…

DDR Song 1: Dub I Dub

I don’t know what came to me but I want to start posting some of my favorite DDR songs. So this is the first one, Dub I Dub by Me & My which was available in Dance Dance Revolution 2nd Mix. What I remember from this song is my grade school years w…