Finally, after months of waiting, they’re here! It’s my first time to be on a major concert, and it was really, really awesome! The SM MOA Arena was packed with hundreds of fans, and we have the best seat in the house. They played lots of song from the RIOT! album (which was my favorite album too), and I never rocked so hard in my life. Hayley is soooo beautiful, and the band is just great! It’s one of those moments that you just can’t forget, and forever will be remembered. It’s one in a lifetime experience, and it was really good!

Lights during the “The Only Exception” song
Here’s the setlist (February 15, SM MOA Arena):
- Now
- That’s What You Get
- Born for this
- For a Pessimist, I’m Pretty Optimistic
- Decode
- Renegade
- Pressure
- Careful
- In the mourning/Landslide mashup
- The Only Exception
- Let the Flames Begin
- Fences
- Looking up
- Monster
- Brick by Boring Brick
- Hello Cold World (Encore)
- Misery Business (Encore)

Stacey, Shiela and Odina

Paramore fans: Stacey, Debbie, Stef, Odina and Shiela
Thank you for rocking it out with me Odina, Shiela, Stacey, Debbie and Stef .. Paramore Fans forever!
Photos by: Stacey