While I was studying CompSci in college, I have this mindset that you won’t ever be successful if you don’t know how to build a …

While I was studying CompSci in college, I have this mindset that you won’t ever be successful if you don’t know how to build a …
So I made a countdown app because: I’m excited for our trip in Hong Kong! Other countdown apps online has ads, and are really fugly …
Mainly used if you have actions on the same controller that deals with “admin” and “non-admin” users. This eliminates the need to put a lot of redundant checking on actions just to differentiate from these roles. And also, it’s a nice way to organ…
Before May 15, 2012, I had no interest whatsoever on Diablo 3. I haven’t played Diablo 1 or 2 before and I didn’t know the story either. When I was in high school, this game “Diablo 2” was all over the internet cafe. I tried playing it once, but I…
When i search items in an array in Ruby, I usually go with the select method, and get the first item it finds. result = [3, 5, 1.3, ‘sample text’, nil, 7].select{|item| item.is_a?(Integer) }.first The problem I have with using select is it always …
In the midst of its expanding tourism industry to its towering economy, Cebu is really one of the fast developing cities in the country. Cebu???s market has been sparingly developing. For years, Cebu has been a sanctuary of economic city affluence, …
how to use grep on searching a text on files I usually use this syntax with these options: grep -nrwi * -n to show line number * -r to find also in subfolders * -w to search the whole word only, ie. “bill” text does not find “billings”, “bills”, “…
25 Real Life Tips In Ruby on Rails Development
Blogged it here at Forrst.
Usually, you cannot directly assign width to a tag because it defaults to an inline style. And that the width you assigned will have no effect. Width property can only be assigned to elements that behaves like a block (i.e div).. But if for some r…